It has been said that a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ImagineAsia has established the Young People’s Photography Initiative in many cities in Afghanistan.
The goal of the program is to give students the opportunity to document their communities by giving them the tools to create their own art.
YWPI students take classes in photography, English and computer skills while producing photojournalistic documentation of their life in the Bamiyan Valley. Through their cameras, students learn to see their communities in new ways. The students’ photos portray universal themes and reflect the resiliency of their culture, which gives them a powerful voice.
Ranging from street photography and landscapes to portraits and candids, the works radiate with the resiliency and hope of each photographer. The capstone of the series of weeklong workshops will be exhibitions in Afghanistan and beyond.
Since its founding, Imagine Asia has helped thousands, through the help of many individuals donations and volunteer work. We've donated thousands of medical textbooks to the medical college and hospitals in Kabul, Afghanistan and Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Donated thousands of English literature texts to the English Department of the University of Herat. Provided free transportation and admission for students to an exhibition in the Bagh-e-Babur | Queen's Palace in Kabul. Started and supported a school for refugee children and their mothers in Kabul. Funded and facilitated the registration for two schools, named Patewqul and Wozdarghoon, for girl’s classes with The Ministry of Education in Kabul, enabling volunteer teachers to be paid a government salary.